Got Rentals?

According to a video on, rental properties are proving to be a strong area of the housing market.

River City Renovations owner and operator Ken Goodlett also offers an assortment of rental properties around the Louisville area. This may be a viable alternative to owning a home for you. To watch this video, click here

Foreclosed Homes Hurt More than the Economy

“The analysis of foreclosure data, prepared for the children’s advocacy group First Focus, finds that as many as 2.3 million children have lost their homes to foreclosure. In addition, the report finds, another 3 million are at risk being displaced from their homes due to foreclosure. The researchers also say that an additional 3 million kids could be affected by foreclosure because they live in a rental home that is either in foreclosure or at risk of being foreclosed upon. That means more than 8 million children are either affected or at risk.”

Do you think about how foreclosures affect children? When a house is foreclosed on, the whole family is affected. When the family has to move, often times the child has to make new friends and go to a new school.

Has your family been relocated in Louisville due to a foreclosed home? Let River City Renovations make your new house a home. The home is a safe haven for the child. River City Renovations can paint your child’s room the same color his or her old one was, helping to give your child some sense of security.

Read more here.

Housing Market Improving? says that there are hopes that the housing market is increasing due to the recent number of pending home contracts in the month of March. In the past two months, “signed contracts were up 12.8% in the 12 months to March.” 

Though the economy is still sluggish, it is beginning to show signs of improvement since the collapse in 2006. Maybe now is the time to begin improving your home and making plans to move! Keep your local renovations company, River City Renovations, in mind when choosing someone to renovate your home!

Construction Spending in the US

According to an article from, “Total private-sector spending on construction increased 0.7% in March to $531.91 billion.” Construction percentages have slowly risen due to the mild weather much of the nation has been experiencing. 

The article also explains that foreclosed home prices may be reaching an all time low, meaning that the demand for these homes will begin to grow. For more information, click here.

Are you a part of the 0.7%? Construction envelops everything from minor home renovations to the completion of a new home. Help the percentage grow by using River City Renovations to turn your home into the home of your dreams!

Looking for a New Home?

Foreclosed homes are selling for rock bottom prices. Though the houses may need to remodeling, it can be affordable due to the amount of money you are saving. According to an article by Bill Briggs of, “Some homes are so cheap that a 14-year-old girl was even able to save enough money to buy one as a rental property in Florida, where she paid $12,000, according to NPR.”

Here’s an idea: Find a home in Louisville that is below market price and let River City Renovations turn it into the home of your dreams! Have you seen any deals lately?

Read more from the MSNBC article here.

New Location for “NuLu” Found?

Remember when East Market was renovated? The leader of this renovation, Gill Holland, has his eyes set on Portland as the next “NuLu.” The East Market district has grown over the past few years with the development of numerous restaurants and boutiques. Holland has a very unique vision for this project, and it could potentially be the next Louisville hot spot. Read more here.

Would you move to Portland if areas of it were renovated?

Election Year 2012- What the Candidates Say about the Housing Crisis

With this election year being of utmost importance for some, and with the housing crisis affecting so many Americans, it is crucial that all candidates have a stance on this issue. In an article titled “What Do Republican Presidential Candidates Say on Foreclosure Crisis? Not Much” by Lois Beckett, the stances of the four GOP candidates are explained.

They are as follows:

Rick Santorum: ‘Let capitalism work,’ but let homeowners write off home losses on their taxes

Mitt Romney: May be open to some homeowner aid programs but won’t talk specifics.

Ron Paul: Hands-off policy except for tax benefits for those who lose their homes.

Newt Gingrich: ‘Repeal Dodd-Frank.’

For an in-depth analysis of these ideals, click here.

The website also offers an analysis of Obama’s policies. In “Our Guide to Obama’s Floundering Foreclosure Programs,” Beckett lists 4 plans and compares the plans with the reality of the situation, as well as a few propositions.

This next election has a lot riding on it. It is important to be as informed as possible. Use these as well as other reliable sources to make your decision. What do you think would be the best way to solve the housing crisis?


According to Forbes, there are a few things you should know before moving:

1. The right realtor will lead you to the right home

2. Educate yourself

3. A neighbor is forever

4. Rome wasn’t built in a day

5. Two words: hidden costs

It is important to remember than when you make a large purchase, such as a home, that you need to be sure that you absolutely love it. But what happens if you move in and you don’t love it? Remodeling the areas of your home that you find least attractive can make you think differently about your buyer’s remorse. There are always options to any negative situation, and remodeling areas of your home could be the best option!

Are there areas of your home that could use a little remodeling?